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Organization: Besafe Riesgos laborales SAS

Region: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador

Title: Seminario Iberoamericano: Gestión e intervención del ruido – una perspectiva interdisciplinaria


On March 3 at around 9:00 am, it began on the Facebook platforms; YouTube, LinkedIn, under the leadership of Mg Klever Fabian Parra Bonilla – Ecuador and Mg David Zaretsky Ferrera – Colombia, and the participation of the following speakers Rafael Ruiz Calatrava from Spain, Rodrigo Godoy from Chile, for Colombia: Cesar Gutierrez, Diana Polo , Nancy Ortiz, Sandra Cabrera, Ana Sanchez and Andrea Patarroyo. Who shared their knowledge and experiences taking a tour from the identification of noise in the company, its control, and intervention in the hearing health of workers, including rehabilitation

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Inaguración Seminario Iberoamericano


Programas de conservación auditiva
