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Organization: Earway Hearing

Region: China

Title: Free Hearing,healty China


Earway Hearing is a Good National Hearing in China,also known as ‘TingJueYouDao’. This March,Earway Hearing launch a campaign called ‘Free Hearing,healty China’ for the general public. More than 20,000 people participate in our activities.More than 60% of the participants are the elderly.Every March,Earway Hearing will go to public places,such as schools,nursing homes,markets,near parts,etc……and distributes hearing-related pamphlets to local residents,carries out free problems,measures blood pressure,and teaches ear exercises.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Earway in the community

Earway audiologists are in action

Public benefit activities

Listen to flowers