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Organization: H.O.P.E Cambodia and Raksa Koma Foundation

Region: Cambodia

Title: Cambodia Hearing Day 2023


Cambodia Hearing Day took place on Sunday 05 March 2023 under the theme: Ear and Hearing Care for All! it was presided over by high government officials and participated with 150 students with hearing loss and many potential media outlets to raise awareness on primary ear and hearing care on National TV (TVK), Bayon TV, online Fresh News and online Oknha News. At the event, we also organized Free Ear Nose Throat Screening and Treatment with consultation of ear and hearing care, Painting programme and 150 students with hearing loss playing at the Playground of WB Arena.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

High Leadership of potential popular government officials

300 participants with 150 students with hearing loss

Ear Screening and Treatment for students with hearing loss

Painting programme