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Organization: 3M Poland & ATEST

Region: Poland

Title: Have you heard noise is harmful?


ATEST (journal for safety officers) together with 3M Poland (safety company) organized hybrid conference “Have you heard, noise is harmful?”. The conference was announced via social media, journals and reached 14000 people. To the conference joined more than 150 accounts joined. During discussion panel experts from National Labour Inspectorate, National Safety Officers Association, Training Centers, Safety Journals, Safety Companies, and hearing enthusiasts discussed hearing topics, why the WHD matters and why we need to promote ear and hearing care. Main topic was focused on understanding why well-trained in safety and self-aware workers don’t use their hearing knowledge in practice and change their behaviors to expose to excessive noise. All discussed the ways to make more effective trainings eg with fit testing use or audiometric tests. Especially fot the conference and WHD special issue of ATEST journal was prepared in paper version (circulation of 4000 copies).

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Media banner

Experts in discussion panel

3M, Wroclaw, before start live steaming of expert’s panel

ATEST – journal for safety officers (special hearing issue)