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Organization: Ikapitbisigmo Kaunlaran ng Maykapansanan ng Laguna Producers Cooperative

Region: Publication, International society member effortSoutheast Asia – throughout the region

Title: Consolidating Efforts for World Hearing Day 2023: Innovating Inclusion for Impact Event Launch and Project Pilot Test


The aim of the advocacy efforts and activities initiated for the World Hearing Day celebration is to Effect a Collective Response to Calls to Action in an inclusive and all-embracing platform on the occasion of WHD 2023 by way of engaging multi-stakeholders; sending WHO promotional materials and communication that can help raise the level of awareness among target participants in the educational and health care system of the country; bring encouragement to other stakeholders to join the global campaign; including Media practitioners and designers in social dialogues capacitating collaboration.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Ms Grace Garcera participation as Safe Listening Advocate

Young Changemaker Bettina Claire Carpio

Inclusive and Cohesive Best Practice

UP Manila leading educational institutions