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Organization: School of Pharmacy, RK University

Region: India

Title: Hearing Test Campain & Safer Hearing Awareness drive


PharmaHealthClub, School of Pharmacy in association with WHO organized a celebration on the occasion of World Hearing Day on 3rd March with 3D Ear Model, Routine Hearing Checkup by Pure Tone Audiometry as Digit in Noise test as well as Ear & Hearing Care -An Awareness Online Quiz. More than 90 Candidates benefited from this Hearing Check up Test & 70 members have participated in online quiz.
The Entire Event was co-ordinated by Mr. Tejas Ganatra as well as very well supported by Ms. Ishita Zalavadiya and Mr. Keval Raval and the Volunteers of PharmaHealthClub, School of Pharmacy, RK University.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Glimpse of Entire Event

Various 3D models of Ear

Hearing Testing 1

Patients were educated about healthy hearing