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Organization: Katsina State Otorhinolaryngology Forum

Region: Nigeria

Title: World Hearing Day 3rd March 2023


We Start our event on 3rd of March 2023 with live English radio question and answer session at 7am local Nigeria Time, the event Talk on the global burden of hearing loss, causes of hearing loss, method of prevention and treatment, the role of policy markers in integrating ear and hearing care into primary health. The program program lasted for one hour.
On 4th of March we went to Mani Town which is 38 kilometers from Katsina town. We held a health talk, hearing screening. Treatment of patient with ear diseases. On Fifth of March 2023 we held another radio session in local Hausa language

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

World Hearing Day 2023 participant

World Hearing Day banner

Health Talk at world Hearing day

Health talk