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Region: India

Title: ‘EAR AND HEARING CARE FOR ALL’: WHD 2023. Newborn hearing screening workshop and awareness program


As part of the awareness program, a painting competition was organized for WHD theme which was participated by children, medics and paramedics. Awards were give to the best paintings.
On 2nd Mar 2023 a newborn hearing screening program workshop was conducted along with demonstration of various hearing solutions available. The focus was on young medics and paramedics who would be conducting these test in future or would be the primary care giver.
On 3rd Mar 2023 the event was followed by a series of lectures by ENT specialist on Ear care, hearing care and CI program in AFMS.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

WHD Theme Painting Competition Display

Display of Hearing Solutions

Newborn hearing screening workshop

Lectures on World Hearing Day