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Region: Indonesia

Title: osialisasi Deteksi Dini pada Bayi dan Anak dengan Tema Songsong Masa Depan Cerah Bayi dan Anak Gangguan Dengar


Socialization of Early Detection in Infants and Children with the theme of Songs for a Bright Future for Babies and Children with Hearing Impairment was held on March 8, 2023. This activity was in collaboration with the Surabaya city health office and PERHATI-KL JATIM UTARA. This activity has a target of 69 participants from the Great Surabaya Cadres and 189 general practitioners, midwives and nurse representatives from PUSKESMAS in Surabaya.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

main speaker

all the healthcare parcicipants

main session