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Organization: Hearing loss prevention association of Ghana (HELPAG)

Region: Ghana

Title: Raising awareness about hearing loss through radio and Factory visits.


Our team had a radio show on Thursday evening educatin people about the rise of hearing loss and how the World Hearing Day was established to help mitigate the rate at which hearing loss is raising especially among young people. The radio show was streamed live on Facebook. On Friday (March 3) we visited some lecture halls and some small shops where noisy machines such as drilling machine and the rotary hammer are used. People who work in these noisy shops were advised to wear a pair of ear plugs and also visit a nearby Audio Clinic for a hearing assessment. Flyers were shared on social media.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Radio Show, educating people about hearing loss. Winneba, Gh

Free Screening at Brekum-Ghana

Educating Welders.

A lecture on hearing loss. Interpreted to deaf attendees.