Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.

You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

Organization: SoundPrint

Region: Publication, Our hearing health ambassadors are located worldwide and we use Newsletters to communicate with them

Title: SoundPrint World Hearing Day March 2023 Competition


For the month of March 2023, we engaged in a worldwide sound level measurement competition or mapathon where ambassadors worldwide take sound level measurements of various venues whether it would be a restaurant, bar, coffee shop, retail store, church, gym, arena, etc. The submissions contribute to a worldwide publicly accessible database that helps public health and noise pollution advocates see evidence-based data on how loud the world is and whether it is getting quieter or louder over time.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Contest announcement that runs in March 2023