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Organization: EHC/PGPKT Langkat, South Sumatera Committee. Dr. Agussalim, M.Ked (ORL-HNS)/SpTHT.BKL

Region: Indonesia

Title: Social Service on Ear Examination with Endoscopy, Counseling, Ear Screening, Wax Cleaning and Audiometric Examination in


EHC/PGPKT Langkat, South Sumatera Committee, on World Hearing Day 2023.
Performed Social Service on March 18, 2023 in Cermin Beach, Langkat District
Form of activity were Ear Examination with Endoscopy, Counseling, Ear Screening, Wax Cleaning and Audiometric Examination.
In cooperation with; Miftahul Jannah Islamic Boarding School.
Activity Results;
Ear examinations were carried out in 80 students, guardians of students, and the community, and cerumen extraction were done in 40 person (50%)
Executor: Dr. Agussalim, M.Ked (ORL-HNS) /Sp.THT-BKL & Team

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Participants and the guardians from the school

Ear Screening and Cerumen extraction by Dr Agussalim ENT, He

View of Dr Agussalim from behind wearing a vest with the wor

Hearing screening