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Organization: Sir Run Run Hospital,Nanjing Medical University

Region: China

Title: Caring for Hearing Health, Embracing a Healthy Life


We held a talk on “Caring for Hearing Health, Embracing a Healthy Life” in one community. About 40 residents participated in the activity. Ear examinations were conducted on site, questions raised by residents were answered and pamphlets on the prevention of hearing loss were distributed. Free hearing tests and hearing aid accessories are available in March. The community has 50,000 residents, and we also promoted it on wechat. I published a popular science article on hearing protection on the wechat official account of “I wish You Health Magazine”. It currently has 2,182 readings.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No