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Organization: EHC / PGPKT Sukabumi City Committee, Dr. Kote Noordhianta, Sp.THT-BKL, M.Kes.

Region: Indonesia

Title: Health Service of Ear Screening & Cleaning, March 18, 2023 at State Elementary School, Cisarua, Sukabumi City, West Java


WHD 2023
EHC / PGPKT Sukabumi City Committee, Dr. Kote Noordhianta, Sp.THT-BKL., M.Kes.

1. Project Title: Health Service of Ear Screening & Cleaning, March 18, 2023 at State Elementary School, Cisarua, Sukabumi City, West Java.
2. Collaboration:
IDI (Indonesian Medical Association) Sukabumi City, EHC / PGPKT Sukabumi City Committee, Regional Coordinator 1 Perhati-BKL Wedt Java Branch.
4. Results:
Ear Screening & Wax Cleaning were done in 253 children in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Cisarua State Elementary School, Sukabumi City
5. Engaged members:
dr. Oscar Djauhari, Sp.THT-BKL, FICS;
dr. Kote Noordhianta, Sp.THT-BKL., M.Kes.;
dr. Orlena Dharmantary K., Sp. ENT-BKL.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Members involved in the activity. EHC Sukabumi Comm., Perhat

Performing Ear Screening & Cleaning 1

Performing Ear Screening and Cleaning 2

The children were happy “Now My Ears healthy”