Organization: Mental Health First Aid Mission.


Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Hearing loss can affect everyone from babies to people in their 60s and 70s. Many things may cause hearing loss, but exposure to loud noise is the most common reason people have the condition. In Zambia, loud music is played in the houses and bars with the community posing a danger to babies, children, the aged, and adolescents. The other cause is the commuters who play loud music in buses, cars, and heavy trucks in the presence of passengers on board, adding to the challenge of hearing loss. The communities in Zambia have challenges in taking care of their ears, and most of the citizens have hearing impairments. Moreover, most of the schools in Zambia are surrounded by bars, and taverns that play loud music during the day and night. School children are exposed to hearing loss. However, Churches have also contributed to hearing loss.

Submitter: William Banda