The map excludes those projects in which the primary site was listed as regional or had no specific region identified (such as a global website or global membership programs).  Note regional and global projects are fully reported on other pages (for example this link).


Organization: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Project title: IIUM World Hearing Day 2024 & Audiology Masterclass

Primary region: WPR

Country: Malaysia

Event Description:

This 2 days event will take place in our teaching hospital.

The main agenda are :
To officiate our Hearing Implant unit by the University Rector.
To report activities which has been organized and participated by ENT, Audiology, SLP teams over the past year for the hearing-impaired community.
To increase awareness on Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and the need for early hearing (re)habilitation among our institution’s healthcare professionals.
To highlight the role of Policy Makers, Social Work Department, Zakat Pahang and NGOs to improve our patient’s access to hearing amplification devices and hearing implants.
To provide lectures for our ENT medical officers regarding hearing assessments done for adults and paediatric patients, including hands-on practice.

The proposed activities include:
Booths by Hearing Aids and Implants companies
Mobile Hearing assessment clinic by Audiology team
Ear assessment booth by ENT team
Educational banner, poster and pamphlet.
Awareness talks by selected speakers.

Submitter: Iylia Ajmal Othman