Organization: Milliconnections Marketing Campaigns Services

Project title: Accentuating Positive and Innovative Practices on Digital Technology for an Accessible and Equitable Future by Design: Changing Mindsets

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

EVENT TITLE: Accentuating Positive and Innovative Practices on Digital Technology for an Accessible and Equitable Future by Design: Changing Mindsets

Co-create an accessible/enabling environment for all

1. Innovative Digital Infomation Technology bridging gaps and expanding the reach of WHO Messages
2. Digital Library Installations in Schools
3. Introduction of the Young Ambassadors Going to Schools
4. Featuring Agencies Implementing Inclusive Communication Practices and discussion on Accessibility and the need for audio-visual communication (captioning technology)
5. Forum on “Doing Education through a Learner-Centered Approach” (Modeling Inclusive Education Practices)
6 Teleconsultation with an Audiologist with Internist and Introducing HearWHO app to Check Hearings of 40 and above
7. Forum on Innovation and Accessibility to Products and Services for Hard of Hearing People
8. Charity Musical Concert to Raise Awareness on the Impact of Hearing Loss, an
Initiative that combine the power of music and the importance of hearing preservation

Submitter: Loren Reyes