Organization: LONIBU Health Development Foundation

Project title: Zero Stigma for the Deaf in Healthcare Delivery

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

This is an essential event that will be held on the 3rd of March 2024, with the purpose of enhancing healthcare delivery for people with hearing impairment by raising awareness against stigma and discrimination that these special people face when accessing healthcare. The venue is Federal Medical Center Gusau Conference Hall, Zamfara Nigeria, the target audience include State Hospital Management Board, House of representatives, hospital management and all healthcare providers, the theme is Changing Mindsets: Ear & Hearing care for All, let’s make it a reality! We will focus on Policy Development to employ sign interpreters in health facilities across the state to enable the deaf to easily express themselves through interpreters without going through much discrimination, Social and Behavioral change among the healthcare providers, and emphasize the preventive measures for hearing impairment which will all be circulated across our media platforms and media volunteers to sensitize the general public.

Submitter: Musa Ibrahim