Organization: Alpha Medical Specialists (AMS). A multispecialty and Diagnostic medical center offering ENT, Audiology, Speech and Language Therapy among others.

Project title: Breaking the Silence, Bridging the Gap: Hearing Loss Advocacy through community Dialogues.

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Community Radio Dialogues (“Kabake”): Local radio hosts facilitate interactive discussions where community members share experiences, anxieties, and knowledge about hearing loss. Live polls map community needs, guiding targeted advocacy. Each dialogue concludes with actionable steps such as seeking ear checks, accessing resources, and advocating for better care. We plan to hold 12 community dialogues in three districts with an average of 200 participants per community engagement pre-event. The community forum will further allow for development of advocacy materials such as testimonials and pamphlets beyond the event for continuous awareness.

Policymaker Panel Discussions: Experts, ENT specialists, and community leaders engage in direct dialogue with policymakers, ensuring critical issues are heard and paving the way for concrete policy changes. We aim to secure achievable commitments for improved access to ear and hearing care services.

Submitter: Alpha Medical Specialists