Organization: Pearl of Heaven School for the deaf

Project title: Changing Mindset: Empowering young minds for Ears Ahead

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

To carryout a 5 day sensitiztion event in 5 schools in our locality to sensitize children and adolescents on the importance of Ear and Hearing Care. Much like Dental care we like to change the growing mindset and enculcate the culture of caring for Ear Health. During the five days we will conduct:-Interactive classroom sessions, presentations and discussions that highlight the importance of hearing for communication,learning, and overall quality of life.
-Workshop for educator Introducing personal ear care practices, this will help us achieve our primary aim long after the world hearing day has passed as the educators will continue educating and enculcating these practices, a significant step towards developing a mindset of carinf for ears and hearing. We will train the educators about proper hygiene, including regular cleaning, avoiding the use of cotton buds and protecting their ears from loud noises which includes loud music fron headsets.

Submitter: Progress Kameya