Organization: Sensaphonics

Project title: Sensaphonics 2024 World Hearing Day Musicians Hearing Clinic Campaign

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Sensaphonics is a musicians hearing clinic and in-ear monitor company located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Since 1985, we have worked with tens of thousands of musicians and music industry professionals to prevent music-induced hearing injury and promote hearing wellness within the music industry. This year for World Hearing Day, we will ask our musician patients to post to their social media pages about why hearing health matters to them along with simple tips for preventing sound-induced hearing loss. We will provide graphics, suggested hashtags, and ask them to tag the official WHO account. We will repost their messages to the Sensaphonics account. Sensaphonics will email our database of 55,000 musicians on WHO as well with a video message from Dr. Santucci regarding WHD.

Submitter: Shannon Switzer