Organization: Centre For Disability in Development (CDD)

Project title: Empowering Communities: CDD’s 2024 Initiative for Ear and Hearing Care

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

Scheduled Activities by CDD for celebrating World Hearing Day 2024:

This year, CDD has planned a series of events to promote awareness within communities and address misconceptions & stigma related to ear and hearing care and to ensure accessible ear and hearing care for all. The scheduled activities include:
1. Awareness Sessions: Targeting school students, teachers, caregivers of persons with disabilities, and the broader community.
2. Advocacy Meeting: Engaging with primary health service providers and local government representatives to advocate for improved ear and hearing care.
3. Community Rally: Conducting rally at the community level to generate mass awareness on the importance of ear and hearing care.
4. Hearing Screening Camps: Organizing camps to screen for ear-related issues, promoting proactive measures for early detection and care.

These initiatives collectively contribute to fostering understanding, addressing misconceptions, and ensuring accessible ear and hearing care for all.

Submitter: Syed Salam