Organization: 3M

Project title: 3M World Hearing Celebration

Regions: [86] [10] [14] [17] [20] [23] [102]

Outline of the event:

The 3M Corporate Environmental Health and Safety (US) Team and Personal Safety Division are championing World Hearing Day by offering a host of activities for 3M employees working in 3M facilities around the globe. We have two activities: The Wall of Sound activity for workers to post their favorite sounds on a giant ear poster and Safe-in-Sound Selfies for workers to take a photo of themselves, wearing their hearing protectors, while doing their favorite noisy recreational activities. We will have drawings for reward points each week of the month. We have created a slide show of various hearing loss prevention and hearing appreciation messages that will be projected throughout the workplaces and started an internal website / community for postings and information.

Submitter: Lauraine Wells