Below is a representation of the organizations reported.

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Organization: B.P. Eye Foundation (BPEF), Hospital for Children, Eye, ENT, and Rehabilitation Services (CHEERS)

Region: Nepal

Title: Municipality based People Centered Ear and Hearing Care


On 1st Day, we oriented 9 Community Medicine Assistants on conducting opportunistic hearing loss screening using the free version of the hearWHO app and referral. The next day on WHD 2023, we oriented 31 Female Community Health Volunteers on hearing and speech developmental milestones of a child, common signs and symptoms of ear ailments and hearing loss, ongoing infant hearing screening at immunization centers, and DOs and DONTs for ear and hearing care. We used resource manuals developed by the Nepal government and WHD materials (translated into Nepali) for the two-day interactive sessions.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Group Photo after interactive session with Health Volunteers

Hearing Screening using hearWHO app

Audiologist orienting on hearing care to health volunteers

Otolaryngologist orienting on ear care to health volunteers