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Organization: Vintage Hearing Foundation (VHF)

Region: Nigeria

Title: Free Distribution of 100 Hearing Aids


The Hearing Rotary Action Group had earlier given over 300 hearing aids to the Vintage Hearing Foundation but distribution was hampered by the high cost. It was a welcome idea to distribute the hearing aids as part of the World Hearing Day Celebration organised by the University of Medical Sciences UNIMED, Ondo. At the event, I shared my story “My Special journey of hearing challenged to an advocate of the hearing solution”. Thereafter, we had Ear checks and hearing tests for the over 200 people who responded to radio and social media advertisements. The turnout was great and test continued on Monday 6th but at the count of 112 hearing aids, we had to turn back people because of the cost implication, The event was reported in national dailies and my interview was published in a newspaper. It was a beautiful experience for everyone

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Omotunde Balogun- Founder, Vintage Hearing Foundation

Vintage with Dr Akpalaba (right) and Prof Dele Owolawi

Prof Owolawi (Director of Vintage) testing a patient

A recipient of hearing aids