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Organization: Anantha Sena (PGPKT Bogor)

Region: Indonesia

Title: The early detection of hearing loss in the elderly


Early detection of hearing loss in the elderly is very important and it is recommended to do it regularly. This is because the hearing loss in the elderly can affect their quality of life and limit social interaction. In addition, hearing loss can also trigger depression, loneliness, and even dementia. Through early detection, hearing loss can be identified and treated so that the effects can be minimized. Hearing loss can be treated by using hearing aids or through other medical measures. However, the longer hearing loss is left untreated, the greater the impact it may have on the quality of life of those who experience it. The Bogor City Regional Hospital held a talk show about the early detection of hearing loss in the elderly with an audience of patients and other viewers through face-to-face meetings, live shows, and YouTube channels

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No