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Organization: Cochlear Benelux

Region: Belgium

Title: World Hearing Day ’23 mini-event at Cochlear Mechelen


#worldhearingday! ๐Ÿ‘‚
Each year we celebrate this day at Cochlear by organising an event in the World Hearing Day theme.

โ€œEar and hearing care for all. Letโ€™s make it a realityโ€ gave us the opportunity to widen our hearing health knowledge as we invited 5 passionate hearing experts:

Lidia Best , CPACC advocated for hearing care access in Europe ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Elien Van den Borre impressed us with her aspiration to develop a global hearing screening test for young children ๐Ÿ’ช
Anke Bruggeman inspired us by sharing the brilliant work done on Healthy Hearing at the Special Olympics ๐Ÿ™
Katrien Geeraerts and Laurens Soens showed that teamwork makes the dream work: a collaborative world of hearing solutions ๐Ÿค

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

World Hearing Day ’23 mini-event at Cochlear Mechelen