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Organization: FIADDA CAPITANATA APS Association

Region: Italy

Title: Ear and Hearing Care for All


In the occasion of World Hearing Day 2023, Deafness Treatment Unit of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital, directed by Lucio Vigliaroli, assisted by Eleonora Trecca and Rocco Ortore , took takes part with the Fiadda Capitanata Association , to protect the deaf, offering free specialist services and hearing screening tests, aimed at raising awareness of ear and hearing care. After an anamnesis interview , the specialists carried out a hearing examination and, with the audiometrist Manzo, Cavaluzzo and Curatolo, a hearing examination screening with relative diagnostics and health information, also offering to users information vouchers, publications and transparent masks. About 100 young and adult patients joined the initiative.Through the execution of the screenings, normal hearing was found in 45% of those examined, deafness medium-severe in another 45% and profound deafness in 10% of cases. Patients with relevant problems were oriented and directed to further investigations, medical, surgical and prosthetic treatments.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Group at work Lucio Vigliaroli Director

Group at work

Group at work with banner
