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Organization: St. Pauls Hospital Milleniums Medical Collegue

Region: Ethiopia

Title: World Hearing Day


EHC Project-SPHMMC in collaboration with CBM celebrated the WHD event for the 5th time this year.
A total of 54 participants were invited to celebrate this event from partner organizations, associations of people with disabilities, ENT professionals and media.
The event was opened by Dr. Sena Dhugasa, the academic and research Vice Provost of the SPHMMC. She officially launched the start of the “National population based Hearing survey” which is the 1st of its kind in our country. In Ethiopia, we lack national epidemiologic data that show the burden and causes of hearing loss. Therefore, this survey is believed to alleviate these information gaps.
Dr Alene (Proiect Director of EHC) presented an overview of activities implemented at SPHMMC including the Population Based Hearing Survey. Dr. Uta (ENT Surgeon/CBM CoWorker) presented the 2023 world hearing day Celebration main aims and intervention activities to avoid hearing loss.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No