Below is a representation of the organizations reported.

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Organization: Simang’aliso Masola Initiative

Region: African Region – throughout region, Malawi

Title: Chichiri Prison Ear and Hearing Care for All


Chichiri Prison hosts over 2,500 inmates but out of these only 44 inmates and 6 staff had their ears screened.
The number screened is smaller compared to those in the prison due to limited resources.
Age limit:
0-25: 10, 26-65: 36, 65 above: 4
It was really amazing to seeing these people having their problems attended to.

Below is a summary of the findings made:
# Gender
Male Female
1 30 20
Problems found:
Normal: 14, Infection: 9, Wax: 9, Hearing impairment: 17, Foreign bodies: 3, Referrals to dental/ENT: 3.
Counseling was done to all the people on how to take good care of their ears using WHO guidelines. Treatment was given to those with infections and review is to be done in two weeks. Wax and foreign bodies were removed and those with hearing impairment were referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital Audiology.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Simang’aliso left and Prisca right, helping clients.

Simang’aliso center with her colleagues