Organization: Puppets World for Development of Children

Project title: Puppet Echoes

Primary region: EMR

Country: Jordan

Event Description:

Puppets World,” the first puppet theater offering live translations for deaf children, will host a special event to celebrate World Hearing Day. The event aims to raise awareness about hearing and communication, specifically for the deaf community. 50 Deaf children and their friends will gather to experience a fully interactive puppet show, featuring both hearing and deaf puppets, ensuring that all children feel represented. The entire show, including activities and songs, will be translated into sign language. This event will highlight the importance of hearing accessibility and promote the use of sign language. The show will feature captivating stories, fun performances, and lively interactions, creating an engaging and educational experience for all attendees. Through this unique event, Puppets World seeks to bridge the gap between deaf and hearing communities while fostering understanding, inclusion, and representation.

Submitter: Rami Bader