Organization: BUTA Initiative

Project title: Hear, Act, Inspire: Empowering a Sound Future

Primary region: AFR

Country: Nigeria

Event Description:

For World Hearing Day 2025 we will hold an event at AREA 1 IDP Camp, Kuje, for an empowering session focused on ear and hearing care. Activities will include a Hearing Care Workshop where we will be sharing tips on preventing hearing loss, regular hearing checks, and using hearing aids effectively. There will be an Inspiring Stories Session, where individuals thriving with hearing devices and sign language share their journeys, encouraging hope and empowerment. We will conclude with a Pledge and Awareness Campaign, as participants commit to protecting hearing and supporting those with hearing loss.

Later in the day, will we organize a Twitter Space Discussion to explore hearing health, prevention, and societal support. This will help us reach influencers, policymakers and the general public.

Submitter: Mary Taiwo