Organization: Department of otolaryngology, Peking University Third Hospital

Titie: 2024 “World Hearing Day” Activities of the Peking University Third Hospital

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Yu  Last WANG  Combined Yu WANG
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Primary site: WPR – China
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The Department of Otolaryngology of Peking University Third Hospital launched a series of activities on March 3, 2024, including lectures and consultation, free online and offline clinic, free audiometry and hearing aid fitting.
In the week before World Hearing Day, the wechat public account platform of the Peking University Third Hospital successively pushed 5 popular science videos, introducing issues related to ear diseases and hearing impairment, which received warm attention, reprint and discussion.
On March 3 2024, ENT specialists, audiologists and nursing teams gathered at the hospital to carry out popular science lectures, free consultation, free audiometry and hearing aid fitting activities for the public. The activity has received extensive social attention, and many citizens participated in the event. The event was broadcast live on Beijing Television.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: No

Group photo

ENT expert team

Popular science lectures

Free clinic and hearing test