Organization: Nanjing Hearing and Vision Health Association

Titie: 2024 World Hearing Day/China National Ear Care Day and Consumer`s Rights Day in Nanjing China

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Ting  Last Deng  Combined Ting Deng
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Primary site: WPR – China
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On 10th,Mar. 2024,Supportted by Local Health commission in Nanjing China,etc.We held one public events in Nanjing Daxinggong plaza,included more than 15 hearing centers and vision centers,Such as JinLing training school,ListenTown立聪堂、Nanjing Jinling Children and Adolescent Vision Health Center金陵儿童青少年视力保健中心、Sonova Shanghai索诺瓦上海、Suzhou SoundLink苏州立人、Boin博音、Ruiting瑞听、 ZhongKeRuiLang 中科瑞郎、Yousheng友声、ChengMing澄明、Sononva Hearing索诺瓦听见/傲诺瓦、MeiShi Eye Wellness Clinic 美视诊所、Sheng Wang Hearing声望、Natural Sound自然之声、Nanjing XuanWu hospital南京新街口卫生服务中心.Before the activities,we spreaded the event information through the communities,website,Microchat and different channels from all participants.And had prepared the Banners,background plate,brochures and magazines,etc.Famous professor Xingkuan Bu and Yiqing Cheng also took part in the free clinical treatments.More than 100 hearing loss and weak-eyed arrived on the scene.Also more than 8 government offcial viewed the activity.Not only that,more than 9 medias interviewed and reported the activity news.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

background plate,included topic of the activity,host unit,et

distant view of the avtivity

distant view of the activity

free clinical treatment