Organization: USTH Department of ORL-HNS, UST-FMS Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Master in Clinical Audiology

Titie: Hear Better, Live Louder: Dismantling Barriers and Promoting Change

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Cedric Jonathan  Last Ng  Combined Cedric Jonathan Ng
Submission email:

Primary site: WPR – Philippines
Additional site(s):

The USTH Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, along with the UST-FMS Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Master in Clinical Audiology celebrated World Hearing Day 2024 by launching a 3-day event over the course of two weeks.

March 4 – The celebration started with the launching of the event during the the Flag Raising Ceremony at the Department of Health office. Ear check-ups and hearing screening of government employees using the hear WHO app were done. A lay forum was held via Facebook Live which was followed by a university-wide hearing screening at UST.

March 11 – USTH ENT partnered with the Manila Health Department, City Mayor and 6 LGU district hospitals to gather Manila citizens and policymakers to promote ear care and conduct hearing screening.

March 15 – UST ENT and Family Medicine residents visited a geriatric community in Navotas and conducted layforums, hearing screening and ear check-up.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

USTH ENT launching WHD 2024 at DOH with the Health Secretary

Free ear check-ups and hearing screening done at the UST

USTH ENT celebrates WHD with city mayor and policy makers

UST ENT providing health education, ear check-ups in Navotas