Organization: K J Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre

Titie: World Hearing Day Celebration at KJ Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Srinidhi  Last Ravi  Combined Srinidhi Ravi
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Primary site: SEAR- India
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World Hearing Day 2024 –
Poster Competition was held for 3rd Year Medical students on the World hearing Day2024Theme-‘Changing Mindsets-Lets make Ear and Hearing Care a Reality for ALL !’
Continuous Medical Education program was held to raise awareness regarding Ear and Hearing Care.
133 delegates [doctors] and 100medical students attended the program. Talks were held on Basic Ear and Hearing Care,Safe Hearing Practices, Changing Mindsets, Hearing Loss and Vertigo and Starting a new Cochlear Implant Program. Flyers on Basic Ear and Hearing Care were released. The program was graced by Dr Varsha Phadke,Dean , KJ Somaiya Medical college. Dr Meenesh Juvekar and Dr Omkar Halwai were the Guest speakers. Dr Niharika Gill , Dr Kirti Bendre & Dr Rajiv Satoskar were Judges for the poster competition. Winners of the poster competition were felicitated. The program was organised by Dr Dinesh Vaidya, Head, Dept of ENT & his team .

Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Rangoli made for World Hearing Day 2024

Department of ENT, KJSMC

Winning Poster

Winners of the Poster competition