Organization: Centro Audiológico Auris

Titie: Día Mundial de la Audición 2024- Honduras

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Ileana  Last Zelaya Zaldaña  Combined Ileana Zelaya Zaldaña
Submission email:

Primary site: AMR – Honduras
Additional site(s):

Centro Audiologico Auris organized series of conferences in Honduras with the intention of promoting #WorldHearingDay2024, as follow:
•In collaboration of the ENT association a full day seminar named World Hearing Day “Changing Mindset” was held in a local hotel; 115 medical professionals from all over the country attended. The starting lecture was given by Dr Lucas Zelaya, Auris director. The attendees had 5 different workshops including one with Human Alike Sound Measuring Device to understand the Noise exposure effects.
•Conference to the medical staff at Public Regional Hospital
•Conference to officers of the Honduran Air Force.
•Meeting directed with the private sector, Luffusa Staff members.
•Live webinars for two academic institutions

Newborn hearing screening brigade that lasted five days, led by influencer pediatrician Dra. Yensi Peralta was carried out for 15 children born in public hospitals with risk factors and from low incomes families.

Participated in National Radio and Television.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Traditional and Social media engagement

Hearing Screening Brigade

World Hearing Day “Changing Mindset” Live Event

Centro Audiologico Auris Team