Organization: Societe Haitienne d’Otorhinolaryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-Faciale SHOCCF

Titie: Semaine de sensibilisation Globale sur l’audition

For ADMIN use only.

Submission name:  First Farah-Armande  Last Louis  Combined Farah-Armande Louis
Submission email:

Primary site: AMR – Haiti
Additional site(s):

From February 26 to March 3th 2024, for the first time in Hiti the Haitian society of otorhinolaryngologiste with the agreement of the Ministry of public Health has launch a global hearing awareness week to mark the world hearing day on March 3th. This awareness campaign is aimed at the Haitian population in general and has been carried out through television, radio, and online broadcast; and also through presentations in schools, universities, and churches. This campaign covered the prevention of hearing lost,the safe listening, the stigmatisation of people with hearing loss and ear diseases. The event was a real succes despite the difficult political situation’ and the communities involved were delighted. we will soon return to these communities especially in schools to carry out hearing screening. and next year we plan to organise more activities .

Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

official banner with the logo of various institutions involv

presentation/ lecture at Université Lumiere Medical school

presentation about safe listening

most popular magazine and newspaper report the event