Title: Semana de la Audición – Hearing Week – AICE ANDALUCIA
Primary site: EUR – Spain Additional site(s):
AICE ANDALUCIA has promoted the illumination in red of emblematic monuments in several municipalities of the territory, such as the front of the Town Hall of Dos Hermanas, the fountain in Plaza España in Seville, the Town Hall of Ecija or the Town Hall of Utrera.
Information was placed on the Tussam city buses in Seville and also the AUCORSA bus company in Cordoba, making the message reach many people. Some media such as RTVE and Canal Málaga wanted to make visible the importance of taking care of hearing by interviewing several people who know about this area. Professionals from the Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena have also supported and defended hearing health.
English Title: Hearing Week – AICE Andalusia English Description:
AICE ANDALUCIA has promoted the illumination in red of emblematic monuments in several municipalities of its territory, such as the front of Dos Hermanas’ Town Hall, Seville’s Plaza España fountain, Ecija’s Town Hall, and Utrera’s Town Hall.
Information was placed on Tussam city buses in Seville and AUCORSA bus company in Cordoba, making the message reach many people. Some media outlets, such as RTVE and Canal Málaga, wanted to highlight the importance of taking care of hearing by interviewing several experts in this area. Professionals from Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena have also supported and defended hearing health.
Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes