Sound Drives the Future Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Platform

Ear and hearing care for all!

Primary site: WPR – China
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Sound Drives the Future Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Platform (SDFHSRP) collaborated with the Beijing College of Social Administration, the ENT department of Beijing Daxing District People’s Hospital, and the ENT department of Huanghua People’s Hospital to carry out joint activities for World Hearing Day.
SDFHSRP held an online live broadcast to share hearing health knowledge with over 100 community residents at the Disabled Persons’ Federation’s warm home. From March 3rd to March 8th, the collaborative team organized local events in Beijing and Huanghua, conducting hearing screening and free clinic activities in communities, schools, and shopping malls. Student volunteers participated in the event by distributing booklets to raise public awareness of ear and hearing health. Hearing screening was carried out on 10 children and 200 adults. More than 100 patients suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness received free medical consultations. Overall, around 800 people participated in the event.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

free consulting in Huanghua

volunteers from Beijing College of Social Administration

screening test for vestibular function

hearing screening at community activity center