Rehabilitative Sciences Department- University of Fort Hare
Rehabilitative Sciences students make ear and hearing care a reality for all on their campuses.
Primary site: AFR – South Africa
Additional site(s): Eastern Cape
As the University of Fort Hare (UFH) Rehabilitative Sciences department, we decided that charity begins at home by celebrating World Hearing Day within the UFH community at the Alice and East London campuses. The target population was students and staff because the World Health Organization reports that over 1 billion young adults are at risk of permanent, avoidable hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices and ototoxic medications. We thus saw it fit to raise awareness about ear and hearing care among students and staff at our institution. This was done by conducting ear screenings and health talks and raising awareness about our profession among attendees at our stalls. A total of 317 people were screened; most of whom did not have ear and hearing complaints, followed by those complaining of itchy ears, blocked ears, and hearing difficulties. # We are making ear and hearing care a reality for all!
Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: No
Social media: No
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No
WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes
Rehabilitative Sciences students at the UFH Alice Campus
Rehabilitative Sciences student providing a health talk
Rehabilitative Sciences and Disability Unit representatives
Rehabilitative Sciences student conducting ear screening