Dirección Nacional de CEN-CINAI

CEN-CINAI promueve un cambio de mentalidad: ¡Que el cuidado del oído y la audición sea una realidad para todos y todas!

Primary site: AMR – Costa Rica
Additional site(s):

The National Direction of CEN-CINAI carried out activities to promote hearing health. The activities were planned and developed by personnel from the central, regional and local levels, CEN-CINAI establishments and community members of the CEN-CINAI Committees. These activities were carried out with the maternal and child population served in CEN-CINAI, in intramural and extramural modalities throughout the country.
Within the activities for the promotion of hearing health, the installation of informative spaces such as murals, blackboards, development of activities directed with play materials, the delivery of informative materials such as flyers, leaflets and the development of educational activities with small groups of families, publications in social networks, among others, stand out.
The activities related to the promotion of hearing health were motivating for the mother and child population, thus stimulating self-care of hearing health and its importance.

Live event: No
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Promoting hearing health from infancy, CEN-CINAI Costa Rica

Promoting hearing health from infancy, CEN-CINAI Costa Rica

Promoting hearing health from infancy, CEN-CINAI Costa Rica