Org Name Original: Spire Road School

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Francis

Contact Last:Etyang



AFR: Uganda






Event Purpose: Awareness-raising, Education and training, Hearing screening

Primary Audience: General public, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older adults, Health care workforce

Estimated In Person Reach: Local

Audience Reached: General Public, Newborn and infants, Children and adolescents, Adults, Older adults

Specific Workplace: Healthcare workers, Teachers

Screen Newborn and Infant: 18 people

Screen Children and Adolecents: 1600

Screen Adults: 180

Screen Older Adults: 25

Policy Maker: His worship the Mayor Northern Division -Jinja City

Influencer: Mr.Muloopa Haruna

Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Facebook

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

In preparation for World Hearing Day, I started by engaging the Jinja City Medical office through the Special Needs Education Office to share with them my intention and get permission to do WHD activities in different parts and schools within Jinja City.
I later shared /wrote to Mayor Jinja City about the same and I was given a green light to go on to help the public.
I then visited the Director of Specialized Doctors International hospital, Dr.Angela Namala to ask if her hospital would facilitate the activities of WHD in case my small grant application went through.
Lucky enough, WHO

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: English

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: No

Did You Translate WHO Materials: No

Would You Consider Assisting Us: No

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:

Did You Apply for Grant:Yes, we were awarded the grant

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption Docus had buzzing and blocked ears because of dry earwax impaction and she felt relieved instantly after ear syringing

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Our chief guest-Mr.Muloopa Haruna taking taking a picture with students from Buwagi and Lukolo PRIMARY SCHOOL

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption Our team from Specialist Doctors International and Jinja Main Referral Hospital

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