Org Name Original: Healthy Macau Association

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Virginia

Contact Last:Kong

Project Title: “My Dear Friend” – a PCMS Studio production about enjoying music with care







WPR: China

Event Purpose: Awareness-raising

Primary Audience: Policymakers, General public, Children, Adolescents, Health care workforce

Estimated In Person Reach: Local

Audience Reached: General Public, Children and adolescents

Specific Workplace: Musicians, School

Screen Newborn and Infant: None

Screen Children and Adolecents: None

Screen Adults: None

Screen Older Adults: None

Policy Maker: 

Influencer: Chong Hin U (Production Executive)

Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

“PCMS Studio” is an school club to encourage cinematic creativeness in middle and high school students, at Macau’s Pui Ching Middle School. Healthy Macau Association reached out to their instructor, Chong Hin U, to collaborate on a project for a short film about “Safe Listening”, in celebration of World Hearing Day 2022. In the process, they needed to research about safe listening, ear protection, and the consequences of not taking enough safe measures. The resulting 4-minute film about 2 school girls’ friendship affected by earphones is now available for all on Facebook and Youtube.

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: Traditional Chinese

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: No

Did You Translate WHO Materials: From Simplified to Traditional Chinese

Would You Consider Assisting Us: English, Chinese

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:

Did You Apply for Grant:No

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption PCMS Studio

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption The Actors: Ng Weng Sam and Vong Wing Tung.

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption

All Regions: , , , , , , China