Org Name Original: KOMDA PGPKT Aceh

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Lily

Contact Last:Setiani

Project Title: World Hearing Day in Aceh, Indonesia






SEAR: Indonesia


Event Purpose: Launch/promote the safe listening standards, World Report on hearing-related activities, Facilitate policy dialogue, Advocacy with policymakers, Awareness-raising, Education and training, Programme launch, Hearing screening

Primary Audience: Policymakers, General public, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Health care workforce

Estimated In Person Reach: Local, National

Audience Reached: Children and adolescents, Adults

Specific Workplace: Healthcare workers, Industrial workers, Agricultural workers

Screen Newborn and Infant: 30

Screen Children and Adolecents: 30

Screen Adults: None

Screen Older Adults: None

Policy Maker: Town major, local police chief, local military chief, local hospital chief


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Instagram

Social Media Numbers:

Event Description:

World Hearing Day in Aceh, Indonesia is an event held once a year. This year the event is held in Banda Aceh and Sabang, Weh Island. It consists of social events, hearing screening on children and adolescents in schools, talkshows on local radio and televisions, cooperation with local policymakers, and distribution of banners and posters in several locations, with the purpose to raise awareness about deafness, hearing loss prevention, and promote ear and hearing care.

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: Bahasa indonesia

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: Yes

Did You Translate WHO Materials: Bahasa indonesia

Would You Consider Assisting Us: Bahasa indonesia

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, but we did not submit a report

Other Suggestions:

Did You Apply for Grant:No

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption WHD event with local policymakers

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Talkshow on local TV about deafness prevention

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption Hearing screening on children and adolescents in local school

All Regions: , , , , , Indonesia,