Org Name Original: Hospital Santo Tomas

Altered Org Name:

Contact First: Amarilis

Contact Last:Melendez

Project Title: Promoting lifelong hearing health





AMR: Panama



Event Purpose: Launch/promote the safe listening standards, Awareness-raising

Primary Audience: General public

Estimated In Person Reach: National

Audience Reached: General Public

Specific Workplace: Healthcare workers

Screen Newborn and Infant:

Screen Children and Adolecents:

Screen Adults:

Screen Older Adults:

Policy Maker: 


Traditional Media:

Traditional Media Numbers:

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram

Social Media Numbers: 6000

Event Description:

Hospital Santo Tomas celebrated WHD with a talk at the outpatient clinic with distribution of printed materials with recommendations for preserving good hearing health. Also a social media awareness campaign on facebook and instagram was organized which continued for several days. There was a report of the activities at a newsapaper with national distribution.

WHO Educational Materials Used: Yes

Native Written Language: Spanish

Educational Materials Available in Your Language: Yes

Did You Translate WHO Materials: No

Would You Consider Assisting Us: Indigenous languages- embera, guna yala

What Additional Materials Would Be Helpful:

Did You Have A World Hearing Day Event Last Year: Yes, and we submitted a report to the WHF/WHO

Other Suggestions:

Did You Apply for Grant:No

Photo 1

Photo 1 caption Distribution of printed materials after the WHD presentation

Photo 2

Photo 2 caption Printed material with recommendations

Photo 3

Photo 3 caption

All Regions: , , , , Panama, ,