National Association of Parents of Deaf Children (NAPADEC)

Breaking Barriers: Promoting Deaf Awareness and Inclusion in Luuka District, Uganda

Primary site: AFR – Uganda
Additional site(s):

In Uganda, pervasive misperceptions persist about individuals with hearing impairments, perpetuating harmful stereotypes of their intelligence deficiency. The NAPADEC World Hearing Day awareness campaign, in Luuka district aimed to challenge these notions and promote inclusivity. Despite a target of 150 attendees, 160 diverse participants, including teachers, parents, policymakers, children with and without hearing loss, and religious leaders, engaged in the event. Materials distributed for World Hearing Day included T-shirts, posters, and cups and food and drinks were served. Deaf role models shared experiences, and children’s music and poems highlighted the absence of supernatural attributions to hearing impairments. Teachers committed to learning sign language; religious leaders to fostering inclusivity, district leaders pledged support. Deaf children were encouraged to study, parents recognized the value of sign language acquisition and supporting their children’s education. Discussions emphasized preventive measures against hearing loss, early identification, appropriate assistive devices, access to inclusive education, emphasizing collective responsibility.

Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Children with hearing loss performed a poem- deaf education

Children without hearing loss – song on inclusiveness

Deaf Role Model discussing importance of sign language

Joyce explaining a point to the district education officer

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