
Listen Responsibly

Primary site: EUR – Italy
Additional site(s): France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, United States, Australia

Listen Responsibly is a global initiative by Amplifon, a company specialized in hearing care services, to promote a new culture of responsible listening and healthy hearing.
On World Hearing Day, like every day, Amplifon is offering free hearing tests in its centers. Moreover, the Group is also offering hearing screenings to its employees in Milan, Hamburg and Minneapolis.
To raise awareness among young people, Amplifon is promoting a campaign on Spotify and is also launching its noise tracker app Listen Responsibly in Australia, Belgium and The Netherlands. The App aims to raise awareness of noise pollution’s impact by creating a crowd-sourced map of the acoustic ecology.
Finally, Amplifon has partnered for the first time with La Scala, one of the world’s most prestigious theatres and on March 4th is organizing a classic music concert in its Melbourne Office in Australia, to reinforce its connection with music and safe listening.

Live event: Yes
Screening: Yes
Traditional media: Yes
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Mes de la Audición – Spain

Hearing Test opportunity for Amplifon Germany employees

Hearing Test opportunity for Amplifon employees in Milan

Concert at Amplifon Australia HQ in Melbourne

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