Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Audición y sordera: qué debes saber para un envejecimiento activo – Hearing and deafness: what you should know for an active aging

Primary site: EUR – Spain
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Master class directed elderly people in residences and their families:
We will learn about aspects of interest for active ageing: we will talk about hearing, a vital sense that connects us with the world and society around us. In addition, we will understand the great diversity of types of deafness that exist, and its importance in all stages of life, as well as how to prevent some problems for an active and healthy ageing.
We will also see what we can learn from animal models from research in hearing and deafness. Research in these areas is key to making progress in the prevention and treatment of deafness.
Finally, we will invite our elders to be active agents of hearing health with their family and friends, and to participate in the campaigns promoted by the WHO to change mindsets. Let´s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!

Live event: Yes
Screening: No
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: No
Participation of policymakers: No
Participation of influencers: No

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

Master class directed elderly people in residence.

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