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Organization: Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, CMU

Region: China

Title: Introduce the messages on WHD into communities of Beijing


BIO launched several initiatives for PEHC in China. One of the initiatives was a short film production which aimed to introduce the national policy on the Prevention and Treatment of Hearing Loss and emphasized the importance of primary ear and hearing care. Policy-makers, leaders of MOH participated in the recording to raise awareness in the community and among health officials. Live events were also organized, with a total of over 2 million viewers. Another initiative was the promotion of hearing screening through tele-audiology and the training of community health workers on the use of the hearWHO app, around 5000 subjects took the DIN test. WHO materials were also distributed through booklets and social media channels for the event. About 1900 pieces of WHO promotional materials were distributed to community residents. Lastly, a press conference on the translation of WHO’s PEHC training materials was held around the WHD.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

On-site EHC consultations provided by BIO

Distributing WHO promotional materials to community resident

Elementary students participate in the WHD knowledge quiz

Provide ear and hearing health care for community residents